Today there are so many confusing voices that are fighting to get us to believe them. There are many hot topics that are always showing up in the news, social media, and in popular TV shows and movies today. These topics often become very heated because each party has its set of beliefs that often contradict or don’t align with others. Lately, there has been a lot of contention about something as simple as what is a family and how we define marriage. Another very common controversy today is in regards to gender and LGBTQ rights. These voices are so loud can be found everywhere we go and look.
In a way in the last couple of years since the huge push recently about LGBTQ rights, it almost feels as though it is wrong to be straight and still believe in traditional marriage between a man and a woman! The world is so focused on promoting our right to be whatever gender role we feel we best fit into that it can often be hard to understand or decide what is true. There are so many opinions everywhere trying to convince of one or another thing but what is right out of everything? Even among the loudest and most influential voices in the world today they all contradict each other and make it very difficult to come to any conclusion from everything the world is promoting today!
Thankfully we don’t have to brave this world alone and we can find clear truth even amid the ocean of opinions and confusion. We have modern-day prophets who lead and guide us in our day! They can help us find truth amide the war or words and opinions we live in today regarding family and gender identity. One huge resource we have been blessed with today is “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”. This document is filled with doctrinal truths that help us understand clearly what family is and who we are. Regarding gender, it states, “Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.” It goes on to say, “Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny.” I love these quotes because it so clearly helps us understand who we are and that we have loving heavenly parents who know and love us!
I share these thoughts and quotes not to imply the feelings of individuals who are attracted to others in their same gender or those who struggle with their gender identity aren’t real and difficult but I share them because as our world and society continue to shift away from these traditional or God given truths about family and gender identity we lose so many valuable and strengthening aspects as a people. We lose a sense of who we are, a clear purpose of life and families, and become ununified as a people as we fight with eachother about who’s opinion is right! I believe in the freedom to choose and live our lives as we see fit but I also know that there are consequences for our actions. I am afraid that the choices we are making as a people currently are leading us to consequences we really don’t want and are not prepared to fight against.
I want to finish my post with this quote I heard this week from Sister Nelson, our prophet's wife. She said, “How can we protect ourselves amid the war of words that rages all around us? I suggest we compare anything and everything we read, view or hear with the teachings of the prophets. If it isn’t in harmony, we should run away. … Prophets testify of Christ. Their sole desire is to help us find and stay on the covenant path that leads back to Him and our Heavenly Father.” I love this and know that as we continually seek to find truth amid the ocean of opinions and ideas we can find clearity and peace even when the world is in turmoial!
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