What does it mean to become a parent? Is it merely a job that you fulfill during a certain period of time? Was the choice to become a parent intention or an accident? Is it only a responsibility of one parent to care for and raise children? What are you supposed to teach a child as a parent? There are many different views of parenting that are common in our society today! Becoming a parent is becoming less and less a priority in today's culture. Having children is often either an accident or is put off for years to make sure you have your education, a good job, and have enjoyed your life before adding in a baby into your life. Parenting has almost become an afterthought that we only engage in when it is convenient for us and suits our life plan. This view of parenting that is common in our day in age is starkly different from what Elder L.Tom Perry said on this topic. He said, “The influence of righteous, conscientious, persistent, daily parenting is among the most p...
Growing up some of my most fond memories are linked with doing some sort of work around the house with my family. I remember Saturday mornings cleaning the house with ABBA music blasting and singing along at the top of our lungs with the rest of my siblings. We all got to help with meal prep whether we were actively helping prepare the meal or helping to clear and set the table but we all were in the kitchen spending time together. On normal weekdays we all were assigned jobs to help keep the house clean which I didn’t always love at the time but now I really love cleaning my apartment! Each of these memories are full of fun family time and feeling accomplished that I was able to help make something great happen. I do remember sometimes feeling frustrated that I had to do things sometimes but despite those negative feelings, I remember feeling much closer to my family members by the end. I think that because work was such a huge part of my family's life that it becam...